Frequent questions

Are any of your questions not found here?

Write us an email at somos@tipon.es or contact us here

  • How do I sign up for Stripe?

    Register with your email and follow the next steps:

  • What data is required to include in the Stripe registration?

    Except for the company's NIF, the rest of the information is mandatory to continue with the registration process.

  • How do I know if I have filled in all the information in Stripe?

    If you have missed any data, Stripe will indicate it in red to finish the process.

  • How do I know that Stripe and TipOn are already linked?

    If you have not successfully completed your registration in the TipOn application, a message will appear asking you to register.

  • How do I know that I have successfully created my TipOn account?

    You will receive an automatic email when your Tipon account is created. If you have not received it, check your SPAM or junk mail folder.

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