Fill in your personal information: date of birth, address and, again, your telephone number.
This information is required for Stripe to create your account.
One last step. Complete the text that will appear on the bank statement. You can leave the one that comes by default:
In abbreviated you can write, for example, only the word bar, restaurant or hotel.
Once you have your profile as manager or staff of an establishment, you must connect your Stripe account with TipOn through the application. It is important that you do not do this process from Stripe, but from your personal TipOn account, so that both are correctly linked.
Enter your email and phone number. You will instantly receive a security code by SMS. Don't share it with anyone!
Indicate your country of residence and choose the option that appears by default: Individual entrepreneur (self-employed), in this way your registration will be easier.
Fill in your date of birth, address and, again, your phone number.
You do not need to include the NIF of the company, it is not mandatory. However, the industry must select it. You can put food and drinks and then catering services, or whatever you consider. It's okay if it's not exact to your industry, but similar.
The company website is also required, if you don't know it or your company doesn't have it, you can put and in description you can simply write bar, restaurant or hotel.
This information is required for Stripe to create your account.
In order for you to receive your tips in your bank account, you must also include your IBAN (the account number beginning with ES). Indicate your currency (euros) and country.
Remember to confirm your IBAN by typing it again. The company website is also required, if you don't know it or your company doesn't have it, you can put and in description you can simply write bar, restaurant or hotel.
Indicate the name of the company in which you work. In abbreviated you can write, for example, only the word bar, restaurant or hotel.
Complete the text that will appear on the bank statement. You can leave the one that comes by default:
In abbreviated you can write, for example, only the word bar, restaurant or hotel.
The solution to receive your tips no need for cash.
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